[00:00:00.30] Meet Harry, a small business owner. He got into a fender bender and needs his vehicle repaired. Uh-oh. Harry relies on his RAM truck to run his construction business, but luckily he enrolled in FCA US's free BusinessLink program.
[00:00:16.02] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:00:17.32] Fender bender disappears
[00:00:18.78] BusinessLink has services such as access to over 1,000 commercial vehicle dealerships that offer Harry extended service hours. These dealerships understand he needs repairs quickly so he can run his business, which is why, upon arrival, Harry receives the next available bay service. His dedicated account manager, Shelbie, always takes care of him by coordinating all necessary service activities.
[00:00:43.55] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:00:44.32] Arrow from truck to service station
[00:00:46.17] She gives him a complimentary loaner vehicle, similar to his truck, ensuring there are no interruptions to his business. Additionally, Shelbie reminds Harry that he can take advantage of complimentary shuttle services, as well as upfitters. Plus, when Harry is ready to buy a new truck, he can always count on bailment pools with commercial vehicles at his local BusinessLink dealership.
[00:01:08.33] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:01:09.43] Dealership with service station
[00:01:11.25] Harry's truck is fixed in no time. He loves being a BusinessLink member.
[00:01:16.04] Repaired truck filled with tools
[00:01:17.97] To enroll, go to this website.
[00:01:19.74] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:01:20.34] f c a u s fleet dot com, business link